Stonewall Masonry — John McGowan & Sons

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Long Island's preferred commercial and residential contractor since 1928.

Stonewall Masonry



At John McGowan and Sons we provide complete masonry services – from the initial planning to placing the final stone or brick into place. We offer masonry expertise on new projects, restoration projects and repairs. As always, we offer free estimates on all masonry work.

Retaining Walls And Keystone Walls

Performed by first excavating a new trench at 8”-12” in depth. We then remove excess fill material from the site and compact new base material using a vibratory plate compactor. When the compacting is complete we install geogrid mesh every 2-3 courses, depending upon requirements set forth. All compaction shall be done in 2 to 4 inch lifts, followed by the placement of stone units side-by-side, set level in all directions. We back fill the wall with clean granular fill or gravel, as agreed upon. A filter fabric is installed between the fill and wall stone to prevent wash through. Finally, we add a wall cap as desired and agreed upon.

Natural stone retaining wall installed by the pool

Natural stone retaining wall installed by the pool

Stone wall completed for a residential project

Stone wall completed for a residential project